We work with mills in several locations throughout the USA
We offer pelleted bedding as well as bulk shavings and limited amounts of bagged shavings.
There are many uses for wood pellets in the oil fields. They are very absorbent and can be used for all types of cleanup.
We provide many services for the domestic and international market. We can create new sales opportunities and distribution information.
We act as a Co-op so we are able to get the best pricing available for our clients. Your goals are to found out your needs and join you with the mill that can best take care of you.
We are here to help you find the product that best fits your needs.
746 Windflower Drive, Longmont, Colorado 80504, United States
Premier Livestock Bedding LLC / Prime Heat Heating Pellets LLC
David Mancinelli
303-881-4464 (cell)
746 Windflower Dr.
Longmont, CO 80504